IHVN Laboratory Staff participate in post-market validation of tuberculosis gene expert kits at the National Reference Laboratory, Gaduwa, Abuja
The Oneworld Accuracy System (OASYS) is a model in which proficiency testing is serving as the foundation to build a global network of laboratories providing accurate and reliable diagnostic testing (HIV serology, CD4, blood chemistry and haematology) of international standards. The major objective is to empower national groups to assume responsibility for managing the quality of testing in their own countries via proficiency testing (and accreditation). We collaborate with the National External Quality Assurance Center (NEQAC), Saye Zaria in mentoring, and implementation of this scheme. The NEQAC also provide our Laboratories with Proficiency panels from Randox Laboratories, Germany and the NHLS South Africa.
- Improvement on the quality of laboratory test results and practices
- Accomplishment of corrective actions in timely manner
- Instituting additional strengthening measures (QA Site monitors).
- Practicing continuous quality improvement
- Positive attitudinal change by laboratory personnel
- IHVN has registered 30 supported laboratories for National (MLSCN/MELTNA) certification and accreditation
- 80 laboratories have been enrolled in the OASYS (Canada) through Afriqualab (Dakar), Randox Laboratories (Germany) and NHLS proficiency (South Africa) testing programs.
- Six of our laboratories have been enrolled in the SLIPTA/WHO AFRO, international laboratory accreditation process; One of these is already at five stars and three others are at four stars
- Two of our laboratories (UATH and PLASVIREC) have also been officially issued with certificate of recognition by theASLM due to their Performance during the SLIPTA Exit Assessment.
- In recognition of Laboratory’s commitment,PLASVIREC has further been selected to participate in a CDC Nigeria/ASLM accreditation preparedness workshop, to be followed by a mentoring visit. This will give a final push to all laboratories in this category towards International accreditation.
In all, the QI unit oversees all Quality Assurance, Quality Management Systems, Quality Control, Quality Improvement, and Quality Assessment activities which will in turn ensure all laboratory generated results are accurate, reliable, and auditable. Most importantly, we have gone far towards accrediting our laboratories for the purpose of achieving the overall wellbeing of our clients.
Unit contact email: lab@ihvnigeria.org