Laboratory staff receive training on equipment maintenance at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano
- Supervising the use of laboratory equipment in all program areas such as Anti-retroviral Treatment, Molecular Diagnostics, Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology, Tuberculosis, Research (including cancer research, malaria, haematology, training laboratories) etc.
- Carrying out installation, certification, maintenance and repair services, and conducting trainings on major laboratory equipment.
- Servicing of the Heating and Ventilation Air Conditioning (H-VAC) unit of the BSL3 laboratory.
The Unit produced the only two NSF Accredited Biosafety Cabinet Certifiers in West Africa. With funding from ASLM, the unit has also certified Bio-Safety Cabinets in Gambia and Burkina Faso.
Our Activities/Strategies:
- Assess health facilities, install appropriate equipment.
- Train operators on the use, care and maintenance of the laboratory equipment.
- Monitor and carry out preventive maintenance, repairs on all laboratory equipment.
- Keep records for all laboratory equipment (eg. installation, warranty, preventive maintenance, fault record/repair and training records).
- Certify and calibrate laboratory equipment.
- Liaise with other maintenance service providers on behalf of IHVN.
- Recommend appropriate equipment for use in diagnosis and research. to management.
Unit contact email: [email protected]

Senior Biotech Officer, Unit Head Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Unit

Senior Biotech Officer, Unit Head Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Unit